What does this feature do?
The Workflow manager is a tool which helps the user to complete their LCA/LCC calculations according to their scheme requirements. If you have not done an LCA calculation before, it can be a great help to guide you through your first project.
How do you use this feature?
The workflow manager, if included in your license, appears in the left side of the window as a floating side bar one the project page. If several workflows are included to your license, make sure to select the most suitable one: Currently available workflows
We have workflows available for numerous certification schemes and custom tools such as LEED, BREEAM International and BREEAM UK.
If you wish to suggest a new workflow, please mail your request to
support@bionova.fiIs this feature available to me?
The general LCA workflow is available to all users, specific workflows for e.g. BREEAM or LEED are available when these tools are included on your license.